Green Hearts SA Outreach at St Vincent House Merrivale Community: Planting Trees for Creation Week
Today, Green Hearts South Africa marked a significant moment in our ongoing outreach, part of the Season of Creation initiative, with a visit to the Pallotine community in Merrivale. As part of this year’s Season of Creation, which is currently being celebrated at St. Joseph’s Theological Institute (SJTI), we are focusing on tree-planting in various communities. This initiative aligns with our mission of promoting ecological awareness, one of the three pillars of Green Hearts SA.
The day began with a solemn mass presided over by Fr. Ian Chitambo, OMI. In his homily, Fr. Ian reflected on the readings of the day, emphasizing the oneness that should exist not only among humanity but also with nature. He reminded us that just as we are called to unity among ourselves, we must also be aware of the deeper unity with creation. He encouraged everyone present to embrace this profound connection, saying, “Our oneness is incomplete if it excludes the natural world. We are bound by the same Creator, and it is our duty to care for the earth as we would for one another.”
After the mass, we gathered to plant trees as a symbolic act of this unity with creation. The planting of trees during this Season of Creation represents more than just a physical act; it stands as a reminder of our responsibility to nurture and protect the environment for future generations. Pope Francis, in Laudato Si’, emphasizes this call, stating, “The Creator does not abandon us; he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of having created us. Humanity still has the ability to work together in building our common home.” (Laudato Si’, 13). This underscores our initiative to take tangible steps in caring for our common home.
Fr. Christian, superior of St. Christian Pallotine House in Merrivale, also shared his personal inspiration for his commitment to ecological care. He mentioned that humanity’s growing negligence toward the environment had deeply affected him, propelling him to focus his theological thesis on eco-theology. “We are not separate from the earth,” he said. “The more we ignore our interconnectedness with nature, the further we drift from our purpose. That is why I chose eco-theology for my thesis, to explore how faith can guide us back to ecological responsibility.”
This outreach, part of Ecology Week, is one of many ways Green Hearts SA is working to build ecological awareness within our communities. By planting trees and fostering a sense of responsibility for the environment, we hope to inspire others to join us in caring for our common home, as we continue to strive toward a more sustainable and united future.